Run for Color

Color 4k Run/Walk at Summer Kickoff

Friday, June 14 | 4:30 p.m. | FREE | In front of Bldg. 2000

Registration is from 3-4 p.m.

Color run/walk is open to all. Bring your family and kiddos!!!

Event will have 5 color stations along a 2.2 mile route on-base. This is a run or walk as we just want everyone that can to participate. This is not timed.

This event is to spread awareness of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Suicide, and Teen Dating Violence. Information, resources, and support will be offered. The color stations correlate with the Color Ribbon Themes for each program (DV purple, SA teal, CA blue, Suicide yellow, TDV orange).

Our hope is to have those participate to spread solidarity,to promote a climate of support/ access to resources to align with 21 Century Sailor  “Culture of Excellence”. 

To learn more about FFSC Prevention Programs, please use this link: